SCT Participant
I love all the tools NHM taught us and I’m using them daily in my life and I am seeing such a difference! Not only can I hear God speaking much more clearly, my eldest son contacted me 2 days after the SCT....after no contact from him for 4 months and he apologised and said he would like to meet and I had a wonderful time with him, my daughter-in-law and granddaughter (that
week) and our relationship seems better than it’s been for years. I feel so free and like I am living a different life. Thank you once again!
LAM Participant
God has shown me more and more the spirituality of marriage. There is an enemy who has many ways of bringing deception and lies into relationships especially marriage because it is covenant. I am in awe of the courage of a number of fellow couples and consider it a great blessing to be in this community for these few days. Thank you for the opportunity to explore
areas of my life that have been hidden. It is time.
LAM Participant
God has given us time to be still and call on Him. We have been able to talk gently and lovingly to each other and think about how the other is feeling. It has made me realise how important sex is in the marriage and how God really wants me to enjoy it.


Single Life Workshop Testimony: No More Shame

SPIRIT CONNECTION TESTIMONY - Benefits the whole family